Physical Development

Physical development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive. To develop their coordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.

These involve 2 different aspects
    • Moving and handling
    • Health and self-care

There are many different ways you can do to support your child’s Physical Development

Outdoor Play

Here are some activities to consider during outdoor play

  • Encourage babies to notice other children coming close to them
  • Plan space to encourage babies to freely move
  • Support children in putting on their own coats and shoes
  • Encourage children to run around to become confident in moving and changing directions.
  • Use a large ball to play catch and football
  • Use play equipment to become confident in travelling through over and under equipment

Indoor Play

Here are some activities to consider during indoor play

  • Roll balls away from babies to encourage movement
  • Give children crayons or pencils to mark marks
  • Encourage children to join in with actions to songs
  • Dancing to encourage movement
  • Follow the leader games
  • Give children tasks to do using construction resources, such as build a tower of 4 blocks
  • Encourage cutting magazines and sticking to make their own

Everyday Routines

Here are some things to consider durineveryday routines

  • Give children food to support independent feeding
  • Encourage children to use a non-lidded cup when one years old
  • Try different foods
  • Encourage to feed self with spoon, fork and knife
  • During nappy changes encourage sitting on the potty.
  • Talk to children the importance of washing their hands
  • Involve children in preparing food
  • Support children in pouring their own drink
  • Encourage to help with dressing

Here are some activities Rainbow Robins may do to support your child’s Physical Development, which you could try some of these at home.

  • Visits to the park
  • Play-dough
  • Dancing
  • Garden play
  • Planting
  • Sand and Water
  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Sticking and gluing
  • Practising pouring own drinks
  • Threading/ making bracelets
  • Lego
  • Building Blocks
  • Train Tracks